Leadership development programs



A comprehensive leadership development program designed by and for practicing leaders. This Leadership Development Program is based on a unique combination of the latest science and the wisdom of lived leadership experience. Learning directly from High Performance Leaders with a track record of sustained leadership results in a range of complex and arduous global environments. 

The Program consists of the following modules:

An understanding of the external environment in which the Leader operates. We define Leadership, Purpose and Meaning and identify barriers and myths.

We start the process of developing each participants Personal Leadership Philosophy.

A deep dive into the role, character and attributes of a High Performance Leader. We introduce “The Code” and the concept of the “Leaders Trademark”. Participants continue to develop their Personal Leadership Philosophy.

Understanding the vital role of self-awareness in High Performance Leadership. We explore beliefs and values, thoughts and emotions, strengths and weaknesses along with the role and influence of habits. Participants continue to develop their Personal Leadership Philosophy.

Developing an understanding of the Human Condition. What drives people, how the mind works, the relationship of thoughts and emotions to results. Participants complete their Personal Leadership Philosophy.

The program includes “The Armoury”. A collection of tools that assist executing High Performance Leadership in the workplace.


Because mediocrity doesn’t win wars! It also doesn’t propel you into success and it won’t develop High Performance Teams who consistently succeed. This Program develops High Performance Leaders who drive organisations to new levels of success.


This is a face to face Program. Delivered in small groups. The Program can be delivered in one 4 Day block or broken into modules and spaced over time.


Established leaders (C-Suite, Senior Managers, Directors, Boards) from any sector who want to “up their game” to the elite level of leadership. Organisations who wish to upskill their leaders. Organisations looking for a change in culture.


4 days


Participants gain the skills, knowledge and tools to develop into High Performance Leaders. The Program produces confident, humble, empathetic and mission focussed leaders who are resilient and committed. Participants emerge with a Personal Leadership Philosophy outlining how and why they lead, who they are as a leader, their expectations, their trademark, a plan for their ongoing development and the tools to enact their PLP. Organisations who enrol participants are rewarded with leaders who drive value creation, develop High Performance Teams around them, deliver on goals and who champion the organisation and best practice in High Performance Leadership.



This intermediate leadership development program is a distilled version of our High Performance Leaders Program™. It is designed by and for practicing leaders. This Program is based on a unique combination of the latest science and the wisdom of lived leadership experience.  Learning directly from High Performance Leaders with a track record of sustained leadership results in a range of complex and arduous global environments.

The Program consists of the following modules:

An understanding of the external environment in which the Leader operates. We define Leadership, Purpose and Meaning and identify barriers and myths. We explore the role, character and attributes of a High Performance Leader. We introduce “The Code” and the concept of the “Leaders Trademark”. Participants begin to develop their Personal Leadership Philosophy.

Understanding the vital role of self-awareness in High Performance Leadership. We introduce concepts of beliefs and values, thoughts and emotions, strengths and weaknesses along with the role and influence of habits. We introduce participants to the Human Condition. What drives people, how the mind works, the relationship of thoughts and emotions to results. Participants complete their Personal Leadership Philosophy.

The program includes “The Armoury”. A collection of tools that assist executing High Performance Leadership in the workplace.


Because emerging leaders need a strong leadership base from which to launch their assault on High Performance Leadership. This Program develops skills and attributes in High Performance Leadership and set the conditions to develop your next generation of High Performance Leaders.


This is a face to face Program. Delivered in small groups. The Program can be delivered in one 2 Day block or broken into modules and spaced over time.


Emerging leaders (managers, supervisors, informal leaders) from any sector who want to pave a way to the elite level of leadership. Organisations who wish to upskill their workforce. Organisations looking for a change in culture.


2 Days


Participants gain the skills, knowledge and tools to develop a solid base for leadership. The Program produces confident, humble, empathetic and mission focussed leaders who are resilient and committed. Participants emerge with a basic Personal Leadership Philosophy outlining how and why they lead, who they are as a leader, their expectations, their trademark, a plan for their ongoing development and the tools to enact their PLP. Organisations who enrol participants are rewarded with leaders who drive value creation, develop High Performance Teams around them, deliver on goals and who champion the organisation and best practice in High Performance Leadership.



Drawing from the best science in the fields of psychology, emotional intelligence and social intelligence and combined with the lived experience of a combat veteran this Program is designed to decrease the negative effects of stress on the leader and the organisation. More Resilient Leaders deliver more consistent and successful outcomes, and they nurture greater resilience in their people.

Forged - Resilience for Leaders Program covers the following key aspects of resilience:

Participants gain an understanding of how their thoughts and emotions impact their stress response and gain knowledge, skills and tools on how to reframe stress.


Because life can beat you down and when you’re a leader you need to be able to show up fully, everyday. Leaders need to be able rebound from adversity and keep themselves and their team moving forward. This program develops mental toughness, the benefits of which will appear in all aspects of your life.


This is a face to face program delivered in a group setting.


Leaders at any level in any sector who wish to cope better with the adversities thrown at them everyday.


½ day


The participant has significantly improved their understanding of resilience and gained key insights into their own levels of resiliency. Participants emerge with a Personal Resilience Plan to guide them over the following months to improve their own resilience.



All results, in one way or another, are the consequence of a decision. The better the decision, the better the result. This Program draws on proven decision making and planning techniques used by elite military forces. The systems taught are suitable for decision making and planning at the strategic, operational and tactical level of any organisation.

We focus on:


Because great decisions make great organisations! A slick decision making process leads to more speedy results, it saves time, money and resources, it increases the confidence of followers and helps leaders stand out from the crowd.


This is a face to face Program. Delivered in small groups. The Program can be delivered in one 2 Day block or broken into modules and spaced over time.


Anyone in any organisation who makes decisions and wants a solid and proven system to excel.


2 days


Participants learn a proven and robust system for making decisions, developing and communicating plans. Organisations who enrol their employees in this Program are rewarded with staff who can make sound decisions based on logic in a timely manner and then communicate those decisions in a clear and concise manner.

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